Thursday, November 7, 2013


Parashat Vayetse
6 Kislev 5774 / 8-9 November 2013
Torah: Genesis 28:10 – 32:3
Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 – 14:10 (Ashkenazim); Hosea 11:7 – 12:12 (Sephardim)

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Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.
Words As A Matter Of Fate

"Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was of comely form and comely appearance." Genesis 29:17

Rashi - For Leah believed that she was fated to marry Esau (who was not a nice person), and she cried; for all said, "Rebecca has two sons and Laban has two daughters - the elder to the elder and the younger to the younger."

The Kotzker Rebbe, Menachem Mendel, wonders why Leah cared what people said, since the custom is that the woman must consent to the marriage. She could not have been forced to marry Esau. Nevertheless, he says, we learn that one is unable to reject or ignore what the world says, but is concerned. So when everyone "said", Leah cried.

Words often take on a power of their own. If we say something enough times, we come to believe it is true. If we say often enough that some event is fated to occur, we may subconsciously cause it to come about, lest we be proven wrong. And the person about whom we speak comes to fear that as well. Words can be the cause of undesired effects. Shamor et halashon! Guard that tongue!

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
Congregation Beth Meier
Studio City
, CA
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"For the sake of Zion I will not be silent; for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still."  Isaiah 62:1
This d’var torah is offered in memory of Meta Katz, sister of Gail Neiman, who passed away this week. Y’hi zekherah liv’rakhah.

This d’var torah is offered in memory of Anita Woolf, mother of Lou Woolf, who passed away this morning.
This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Boaz ben Dina, Dov Nechemya Hakohen ben Rachel Chaya Sarah, Miriam Minya bat Alisa Batya, Eve Beatty, Howard Ehrlich, Joshua Erenmark, Jerry Forman, Pamela Huddleston, Rose Jordan, Lizzie Legnine, Gloria Loera, Frank Marcovitz, Barney Meskin, Marsha Meyers, Colleen Pierce (Chaya Shoshanah bat Sarah Emanu), Phil Raider, Gil Robbins, and Rachel Robbins.

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