Friday, April 4, 2014


Parashat Metzora
5 Nisan 5774 / 4-5 April 2014
Torah: Leviticus 14:1 - 15:33
Haftarah: 2 Kings 7:3-20
Calendar of Events and Dedications follow. For more information about our community, visit:
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Then the priest will command for the one who is to be cleansed two pure living birds, cedar wood, scarlet thread and hyssop. Leviticus 14:4
Rashi - Because plagues come from pride. What is his remedy, that he should be cured? He should lower himself from his pride like a worm (a play on the Hebrew word for scarlet thread) and hyssop (a low bush).
For seven days, chametz (leavening) shall not be found in your houses - anyone who eats chametz, that soul shall be cut off from the assembly of Israel ...  Exodus 12:19
For the Rabbis, the “leprosy” (tzara’at) visited on the Israelites was the symptom of a spiritual disorder. The ritual discussed in our portion was carried out only after the victim had been separated from the community, and had taken time to reflect upon his sins and to change his ways.
There is another ritual which symbolizes the elimination of haughtiness and pride, and that is the observance of Pesach. Chametz, such as yeast, causes dough to bubble and rise, and is symbolic of the inflation of one’s ego. The commandment to remove all of the chametz from our homes may be seen as an instruction to remove pride from our lives. By reducing ourselves to eating matzah for the Passover holiday, we remind ourselves of the sin of pride and the need to deflate our egos. Pesach is "The Festival of Freedom", and matzah is food for the soul.
Remove the chametz from your home and your life for a time; attend a Seder (or two!), and learn about freedom from the slavery of self-importance; eat only “the bread of affliction” for the duration of the holiday; take the hot air out of yourself. Removing chametz can be a spring cleaning of both the physical and the spiritual.
Shabbat shalom - a Shabbat of peace!
Rabbi Richard A. Flom
Congregation Beth Meier
Studio City, CA
Visit me on Facebook
"For the sake of Zion I will not be silent; for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still." Isaiah 62:1
Candlelighting: 6:57 pm
Friday: Shabbat Evening Service – 8:00 pm. Oneg Shabbat follows.
Saturday: Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 am. Kiddush lunch follows.
Sunday: Religious School – 9:30 am. A Model Seder for the kids will be conducted. All invited to attend. Adult Hebrew Class – 10:00 am. NOTE: Due to a schedule conflict, the “Kasher L’Pesach Tour of the Market” is CANCELED. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Tuesday, April 8: Lunch and Learn - noon.
Wednesday, April 9: NO (Re)Introduction to Judaism class. Next meeting is April 23.
Tuesday, April 15: Beth Meier’s Community Seder. Deadline for reservations is this Friday, April 4. Call the CBM office ASAP if you want to attend.
This d'var torah is offered in memory of my father-in-law, Abraham Kronzek, z’l, whose yahrzeit was yesterday, Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Y’hi zikhrono liv’rakhah.
This d'var torah is offered in honor of my wonderful wife, Lynn Kronzek, whose birthday is April 8. Real cake this year! Yom huledet sameach, my dear! Ad meah v’esrim!
This d'var torah is offered in honor of my aunt, Helen Schugar, whose birthday is April 8. Ad meah v’esrim!
This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Blimah Reizel bat Ruchel, Miriam Minya bat Alisa Batya, Serach bat Miriam, Eve Beatty, Howard Ehrlich, Leonard Foint, Jerry Forman, Pamela Huddleston, Rose Jordan, Jayne Kaplan, Steven Kleiger, Frank Marcovitz, Phil Raider, Marguerite Rassiner, Irwin Silon and Neil Turbov.
Please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to the refuah shleimah list or if there is anyone who may be removed from the list.
My divrei torah are also available via e-mail from the Cyber Torah list.
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