Kislev 5775 – 28-29 November 2014
Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 - 14:10 (Ashkenazim); Hosea 11:7 - 14:10 (Sephardim)
Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 - 14:10 (Ashkenazim); Hosea 11:7 - 14:10 (Sephardim)
and dedications follow below. For a full calendar of events and other info
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"She conceived again and bore a son, and said, 'This time I will thank (odeh) the Lord.' Therefore she named him Yehudah (Judah) ..." Genesis 29:35
The late Ken Goldrich (z"l) and his wife Lois wrote a beautiful little pamphlet called "Thanksgiving Reflections" (available at: in which they comment on this verse. They note that we Jews are called in Hebrew "Yehudim", as the descendants of Judah. But it literally means that we are "the ones who give thanks".
"She conceived again and bore a son, and said, 'This time I will thank (odeh) the Lord.' Therefore she named him Yehudah (Judah) ..." Genesis 29:35
The late Ken Goldrich (z"l) and his wife Lois wrote a beautiful little pamphlet called "Thanksgiving Reflections" (available at: in which they comment on this verse. They note that we Jews are called in Hebrew "Yehudim", as the descendants of Judah. But it literally means that we are "the ones who give thanks".
this upcoming Thanksgiving Day, and every day, we should give thanks for our
families, our friends, our communities and our lives. We should give
thanks that we are fortunate enough to live in a country founded on the Torah
principles of justice and freedom, where we are free to practice our
faith. We should give thanks - and mean it!
Thanksgiving Day derives from the harvest holiday of Sukkot. At your Thanksgiving table this week, you might wish to recite Psalm 100 (Mizmor L'Todah, A Psalm of Thanksgiving) or any of the psalms that are typically recited during Hallel (the Service of Praise sung at Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot and Rosh Chodesh). Or download the pamphlet and consider its teaching.
Our Rabbis taught: know before Whom you stand. In a similar vein, know to Whom you should give thanks.
Yom L'Todah Sameach - Shabbat Shalom U'Vrakhah!
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a Shabbat of Peace and Blessing!
Thanksgiving Day derives from the harvest holiday of Sukkot. At your Thanksgiving table this week, you might wish to recite Psalm 100 (Mizmor L'Todah, A Psalm of Thanksgiving) or any of the psalms that are typically recited during Hallel (the Service of Praise sung at Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot and Rosh Chodesh). Or download the pamphlet and consider its teaching.
Our Rabbis taught: know before Whom you stand. In a similar vein, know to Whom you should give thanks.
Yom L'Todah Sameach - Shabbat Shalom U'Vrakhah!
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a Shabbat of Peace and Blessing!
Richard A. Flom – ZSRS ‘00
Beth Meier
City, CA
me on Facebook
Candlelighting: 4:26 pm
Thursday: Thanksgiving Day. CBM office closed. Yom L’Todah Sameach!
Friday: NO Friday evening service this week.
Friday services resume December 5.
Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 am. Kiddush lunch follows.
Sunday: NO Religious School. NO Adult Hebrew class. Both resume
December 7.
Tuesday: NO Lunch and Learn. Program resumes
December 9.
This d’var torah is offered in memory of Lynn’s grandfather, Gabriel
Stern, whose yahrzeit falls on Tuesday, 10 Kislev. Y’hi zikhro liv’rakhah – May
his memory be a blessing.
This d’var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Boaz ben Dina,
Michah ben Dina, Miriam Minya bat Alisa Batya, Sarah Mindel bat
Toby, Bonnie Baird, Jeff Bluen, Elsbet Brosky, John Todd Brosky, Howard
Ehrlich, Maya Fersht, Dr. Samuel Fersht, Jerry Forman, Leo Hoenig, Neal
Hoffman, Pamela Huddleston, Rose Jordan, Lina Kniter, Jeannie Kottler, Shirley
Kronzek, Annie Rivera, Irwin Silon and Ruth Silon.
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