Thursday, January 4, 2018


Parashat Sh’mot
19 Tevet 5778 / 5-6 January 2018
Torah - Exodus 1:1 - 6:1
Haftarah - Isaiah 27:6 - 28:13; 29:22-23 (Ashkenazim); Jeremiah 1:1 - 2:3 (Sefardim)

Calendar and dedications follow below. For a full calendar of events and other info about Temple B’nai Hayim/Congregation Beth Meier, check out:

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.

"And the Lord's messenger appeared to (Moses) in a fiery flame from within the bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, 'I will turn aside now, and I will see this great sight; why is the bush not burnt?' And the Lord saw that he turned aside to see; and God called to him from within the bush and said, 'Moses, Moses', and he said, 'Here I am.'" Exodus 3:2-4

Why did God choose Moses to confront Pharaoh and lead the Children of Israel from Egypt? A Midrash tells us that it was because of the gentle and loving manner in which Moses tended his flock. But I believe the answer has little to do with shepherding, and much to do with wondering.

Moses saw a burning bush that was not burning, called it a great sight, turned to approach it, and wondered how it could be. God did not speak to Moses until God saw that Moses had actually turned toward the bush. For all we know, that bush may have been burning there for a century, with many people seeing it and turning away, ignoring it, not thinking about the miracle they were witnessing.

Is this not true of all of us? How often do we witness miracles great and small and ignore them? Could it be that God wishes to speak to us, but only if we first turn toward God? Could it be that we begin turning toward God when we acknowledge the miracles of our lives, and wonder how they come to be?

I believe that it is not up to us to take the first step, because God has already done that. We exist in a world full of wonders and miracles, whether they are scientific discoveries or new-born babies or beautiful sunsets. Our very existence is quite miraculous and full of blessings. If we turn to the Source of those miracles and blessings, we may merit having a conversation with God. But it is up to us to choose.

Have a miracle-filled Shabbat!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
Visit me on Facebook
Twitter: @DrahcirMolf
"שתיקה כהודאה דמיא"
"Silence in the face of wrongdoing is consent.”
BT Yevamot 88a
Candle lighting: 4:39 pm

Friday – A Cappella Shabbat Evening Service at 7:30 pm, followed by Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday – Breakfast and Torah study - 8:45 am. Shabbat Morning Service – 9:30 am. Kiddush luncheon follows.
Sunday – Religious School – 9:30 am. Adult Hebrew – 10:00 am.
Tuesday – NO Lunch and Learn – resume January 16. Rabbi Flom out of town.

This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Avi Shmuel Yosef Hakohen ben Bella, Ze’ev ben Adeline, HaRav Chana Rivka bat Doronit, Yaakov Rani Ben Margalit, Eilite bat Miryam, HaRav Tzvi Hersh ben Frimet, Sarah bat Devorah, Hiroe Andriola, Susan Arbetman, Ken Bitticks, Jerry Daniels, Maya Fersht (Maya bat Esther), Dr. Samuel Fersht (Shmuel Natan ben Gittel), Leonard Foint (Eliezer Moshe ben Esther), Jerry Forman, Bernard Garvin, Myra Goodman, Leah Granat, Simon Hartmann, Brandon Joseph, Gabor Klein, Philip Kovac, Tonya Kronzek (Zlata Malkah bat Sarah Emanu), Lyndia Lowy (Leah bat Sarah), David Marks, Gil Robbins, Debra Schugar Strauss (Devorah bat Chaya Feiga), Helen Schugar (Chaya Feiga bat Kreina), Jonathan Woolf, Howard Yudell, and Meagan Yudell.

Please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to this list or if there is anyone who may be removed from this list.

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