Thursday, March 22, 2018


Parashat Tzav
8 Nisan 5778 / 23-24 March 2018
Torah: Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36
Haftarah (Shabbat Hagadol): Malachi 3:4-24

Calendar and dedications follow below. For a full calendar of events and other info about Temple B’nai Hayim/Congregation Beth Meier, check out:

My “Pesach Resources Guide – 5778 Edition” is available at my blog:

Please feel free to pass this on this to a friend, and please cite the source.

"That which is left of (the meal offering) shall be eaten by Aaron and his sons; it shall be eaten as unleavened bread (matzot) in the holy place…. It shall not be baked with leaven (chametz); I have given it as their portion from My offering by fire; it is most holy, like the sin offering and the guilt offering.... Anything that touches these shall become holy." Leviticus 6:9 – 11

Only some of the minchah (meal) offering is burned on the altar.  The remainder is eaten by the priests in the form of an enriched matzah (not quite the same as Pesach matzah). Like some of the other sacrifices, it is "most holy". Anything that touches it becomes holy as well.

Our Seder Shel Pesach is a re-enactment of an ancient ritual of sacrifice. We are a kingdom of priests and a holy people (Exodus 19). Our table is the altar. The candles represent the flames of the sacrifices. The wine represents the libation the priests poured over the sacrifices. The shank bone and roasted egg represent the Pesach sacrifice and the Festival sacrifice respectively. As commanded in the Torah, we consume matzah and maror (bitter herb), but we do not eat or offer a sacrifice. The three matzot? The top two are used for the commandment to eat matzah and the commandment to eat maror (along with charoset). The third matzah? Half of it is used to eat the “Hillel sandwich” in the style Hillel consumed the Pesach sacrifice. And the other half of the third matzah? That is a substitute for the Pesach sacrifice – the afikoman.

The Seder Shel Pesach is more, much more than a big family feast - it is a deep connection to our roots and to those who have gone before us, as well as a significant link to our future. It is an act of kedushah - of holiness. The afikoman is not dessert, though it is the final thing we eat at the seder. As it is representative of the last morsel of the Pesach sacrifice, it is, like any sacrifice, holy. And its consumption makes us holy as well.

Shabbat Shalom and Have a Happy, Kosher and Holy Pesach!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
Temple B'nai Hayim/Congregation Beth Meier
Blogging at: 
Visit me on Facebook
Twitter: @DrahcirMolf
"שתיקה כהודאה דמיא"
"Silence in the face of wrongdoing is consent.”
BT Yevamot 88a
Candle lighting: 6:50pm

Friday – Shabbat Evening Service – 7:30 pm – followed by Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday – Breakfast and Torah study – 8:45 am. Shabbat Morning Service – 9:30 am. Kiddush luncheon follows.
Sunday – Religious School – 9:30 am. Adult Hebrew – 10:00 am. “A Walk Through the Haggadah” – Adult education with Rabbi Flom – 10:00 am.
Tuesday – NO Lunch and Learn – resume April 10.
Friday, March 30 – Study session for fast of the first-born – 8:00 am. First Seder after sundown.
Saturday, March 31 NO Breakfast and Torah study – resume April 14. Shabbat/Pesach Morning Service – 9:45 am. TBH/CBM Community Second Seder – 6:30 pm. Reservations close Friday, 3/23 at 12 noon. NO EXCCEPTIONS! You snooze, you lose!

Check your snail mail for information about the Installation of Rabbi Flom and Rabbi Van Leeuwen – April 15 - Be There! Or go to our website:

Next time you come to TBH/CBM, please bring some non-perishable canned and packaged foods and personal items (no glass) for SOVA.

This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Ze’ev ben Adeline, Eilite bat Miriam, Sarah bat Devorah, Hiroe Andriola, Susan Arbetman, Ken Bitticks, Jerry Daniels, Maya Fersht (Maya bat Esther), Dr. Samuel Fersht (Shmuel Natan ben Gittel), Jerry Forman, Bernard Garvin, Myra Goodman, Leah Granat, Simon Hartmann, Brandon Joseph, Gabor Klein, Philip Kovac, Tonya Kronzek (Zlata Malkah bat Sarah Emanu), Lyndia Lowy (Leah bat Sarah), David Marks, Debra Schugar Strauss (Devorah bat Chaya Feiga), Helen Schugar (Chaya Feiga bat Kreina), Alan Stolzenberg, Jonathan Woolf, Howard Yudell, and Meagan Yudell.

Please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to this list or if there is anyone who may be removed from this list.

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To subscribe to Cyber Torah, send an email with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to:  
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