Thursday, December 24, 2020


Parashat Vayiggash
Tevet 11, 5781 / December 25-26, 2020 
Torah: Genesis 44:18 - 47:27
Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28

Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:32 PM PST - Sherman Oaks, CA 

This week's Cyber Torah is offered in honor of my wonderful life partner Lynn Kronzek, as we celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary (!) on Monday, December 28. Happy Anniversary, my dear!

Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at: 

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at: 

This week's Yahrzeit list can be found at:

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. 

All our services and programs are available at: 

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.

‘And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me,” and they came near; and he said, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.”’ Genesis 45:4.

Menachem Mendel, the Kotzker Rebbe, interprets our verse in this way: “I am the same Joseph that I was when you sold me into Egypt. I did not change in this corrupt country, and you do not have to be afraid that you caused me to become corrupted. I am Joseph your brother, the son of Jacob, just as then, when ‘you sold me into Egypt.’”

Joseph appeared to be an Egyptian. He spoke the language. He dressed like Egyptian royalty. He had power equivalent to that of Pharaoh. In order to do his job properly, he had to be more than passingly familiar with and sensitive to Egyptian religion, culture, politics, etc. He was an Egyptian. And yet, in his essence, he was the same Joseph he had always been - the son of Jacob, loyal to the God of Israel.
The United States is not Egypt, thank God. But there is no question that America creates danger for Jews in terms of total assimilation and the end of Jewish identity. However, one can be a serious and practicing Jew and still actively take part in the larger secular, non-Jewish culture. But it requires fortitude and an awareness of boundaries, as well as education in Judaism. The Midrash tells us that Joseph thought constantly of his heritage, of his father and of his God. By doing so, Joseph maintained his identity (and his sanity!), despite being a stranger in a strange land.
Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom 
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person. 
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1 

All our services and programs are available at: 

Kabbalat Shabbat Evening Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen tis Friday evening at 6:30 PM PST. 

Shabbat Morning Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen this Saturday at 10:00 AM PST. 

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, including the weekly Parashah and Haftarah, all available at: 
Fill out the form - the download is free. 

David Silon’s class “Jewish History” meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST. 

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. NOTE: Lunch and Learn will be on hiatus until January 5, 2021, as Rabbi Flom will be on vacation. 

Some excellent on-line Jewish resources are available at: 

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshiva’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here: 

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!): 
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to: 
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to: 
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to:  

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Parashat Miketz 
Tevet 4, 5781 / December 18-19, 2020 
Torah: Genesis 41:1 – 44:17 
Haftarah: 1 Kings 3:15 – 4:1

Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:28 PM PST - Sherman Oaks, CA

Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at: 

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at: 

This week's Yahrzeit list can be found at: 

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. 

All our services and programs are available at:

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.

"Now Jacob saw that there was food (shever) in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, 'Why are you looking at each other?' And he said, 'Behold I have heard that there is food (shever) in Egypt. Go down there and buy (shivru) for us from there, and we will live and we will not die.'" Gen. 42:1-2

The Midrash goes to great lengths, using multiple puns and misspellings, to teach us that Jacob was prophetic. The word "shever" means both "food" and "brokenness" (literally, "rupture"). "Shivru" comes from the same root as "shever". And the Hebrew word "sever" (spelled with the letter "sin" rather than "shin") means "hope". In an unpointed Hebrew text, such as a Torah scroll, "shever" and "sever" are identical.

"It says that Jacob saw brokenness (and hope) in Egypt. There was brokenness, that was the famine. There was hope, that was the plenty. There was brokenness, that Joseph had gone down to Egypt. There was hope, that Joseph was in charge. There was brokenness, that there would be slavery and poverty. There was hope, that afterward they would come out with great wealth... For it had been revealed to Jacob that Joseph was alive." Midrash, at B’reishit Rabbah 91

Jacob is not only prophetic; he also gives a valuable lesson. One can find hope even in despair. Both despair and hope somehow arise in the same place, as a kernel within our souls. The result, despair or hope, really depends on how we nurture the seed. Even when we think there is no hope – there is hope.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person. 
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1

All our services and programs are available at: 

Kabbalat Shabbat Evening Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen and Rabbi Flom Friday evening at 6:30 PM PST. 

Shabbat Morning Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen and Rabbi Flom Saturday at 10:00 AM PST. 

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, including the weekly Parashah and Haftarah, all available at:
Fill out the form - the download is free.

David Silon’s class “Jewish History” meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST.

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. NOTE: Lunch and Learn will be on hiatus until January 5, 2021, as Rabbi Flom will be on vacation.

Some excellent on-line Jewish resources are available at:

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshiva’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here:

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!):
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to:
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to:
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to: 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Parashat Vayeishev
Torah: Genesis 37:1 – 40:23
Maftir: Numbers 7:18-23 
Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14 - 4:7

Kislev 26, 5781 / December 11-12, 2020

Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:26 PM PST - Sherman Oaks, CA 
Light your Hanukkiyah first, then your Shabbat candles

How to Light Your Hanukkiyah/Menorah: 

Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at: 

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at: 

This week's Yahrzeit List can be found at: 

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. All our services and programs are available at: 

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source. 
"And Judah said to his brothers, "What advantage is there if we slay our brother and conceal his blood?" Genesis 37:26
A traditional understanding of this verse is that Judah sees an opportunity to get rid of Joseph and profit at the same time (while saving his life). That is why the brothers ultimately decide to sell Joseph into slavery. But Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Kotzk has a very different take on the verse.
The Kotzker focuses not on the profit motive, but on the idea of hiding the deed. He says, "If we are forced to conceal the matter and to keep it secret, that is a sign that it is wrong. Every secret is like a type of theft."
In the Kotzker's view, Judah is saying there is no benefit whatsoever in eliminating Joseph, since it will be a guilty secret among the brothers forever. Indeed, we see later in the Torah that the brothers become wracked with guilt and recrimination when they are confronted by the vizier of Egypt (the disguised Joseph), who seems omniscient in his penetrating questions and demands of them.
My father, z’tz'l, whose name also was Menachem Mendel, taught me a very simple lesson on the issue. "Don't ever say or do anything that you would not want on the front page of the newspaper."
There's no such thing as a secret.

Shabbat Shalom! Chag Urim Sameach!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person.
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1

Kabbalat Shabbat Evening Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen and Rabbi Flom Friday evening at 6:30 PM PST. On Zoom or at: 

Shabbat Morning Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen and Rabbi Flom Saturday at 10:00 AM PST. Haftarah chanted by Robert Flom. 
On Zoom or at: 

Community Chanukah Celebration and Latke Happy Hour! Saturday, December 12 at 7:00 pm PST. Have your menorah, your dreidel, and your latkes or sufganiyot (or both) ready for a singalong and show-and-tell and more! 

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, including the weekly Parashah and Haftarah, all available at: 
Fill out the form - the download is free.

David Silon’s class “Jewish History” meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST 

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. The study materials for the December 15 class, Parashat Miketz, can be found at: 
Join us on Zoom or at: 

Some excellent on-line Jewish resources are available at: 

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshiva’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here: 

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!): 
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to: 
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to: 
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to: 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Parashat Vayishlach
Kislev 19, 5781 / December 4-5, 2020
Torah: Genesis 32:4 – 36:43
Haftarah: Obadiah 1:1-21

Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:25 PM PST - Sherman Oaks, CA 

This d’var Torah is offered in memory of my uncle, David Flom, whose yahrzeit falls on Monday, Kislev 21. Y’hi zikhrono liv’rakhah – may his memory be a blessing.

Chanukah is coming! First light is Thursday, December 10, at or after sundown. Chag urim sameach!

Community Chanukah Celebration and Latke Happy Hour (!) Saturday, December 12, at 7:00 PM PST. Visit  for details.

Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at:

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at: 

This week's Yahrzeit List can be found at: 

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. All our services and programs are available at:  

With the COVID-19 epidemic, SOVA needs your donations more than ever. Please, bring some non-perishable canned and packaged foods and personal items, (no glass) to the lobby of TBH/CBM. Wear a mask, social distance, and help out those in need. 

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source. 

'And he (the angel) said to him, "What is your name?" And he replied, "Jacob." And he (the angel) said, "No longer will it be said that your name is Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with man and have prevailed."' (Genesis 32:28-29)

When a person converts to Judaism, the final step is immersion in a mikvah. When the convert emerges, s/he is given a new name. It is a symbol of rebirth, by prevailing in a trial by water, if you will; or perhaps by symbolically emerging from the waters of the womb. The change of identity coincides with the change in status. But it occurs only after a lengthy period of study, practice and reflection, confronting the past and facing the future, a struggle with the self, with humans, and with the Divine.

How, then, was Jacob reborn? Other than the change of name, how did he become different? The answer, I think, lies not in the final struggle with the angel, a symbolic trial by combat, but rather in the vast change Jacob had undergone since he left his parents' house 22 years previously. He confronted himself, and no longer feared for his own safety, but for that of his wives and children. He faced down Laban and finally escaped from his clutches. He looked at God face to face, and asked for confirmation of the covenant with Abraham and Isaac. The wrestling match and the name change were the culmination of years of personal development, of discerning the ways of God and man.

Each of us is a Jacob. Each of us also has the potential to change, to grow, to become Israel, the one who wrestles with God and with man and with the self. But we earn the change of name, the rebirth, only if we are prepared to engage in the necessary struggles to change ourselves and our world. It is not about resistance, but rather gaining knowledge and wisdom, acting in a purposeful way, and living a life of meaning.
Shabbat Shalom! 

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person.
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1

Cool Shabbat Evening Service with Steve Pearlman and Rabbi Flom Friday evening at 6:30 PM PST

Shabbat Morning Service with Reb Jason Van Leeuwen and Rabbi Flom this Saturday at 10:00 AM PST. Haftarah chanted by Susan Burke. 

Community Chanukah Celebration and Latke Happy Hour (!) Saturday, December 12, at 7:00 PM PST. Visit  for details.

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, including the weekly Parashah and Haftarah, all available at: 
Fill out the form - the download is free.

David Silon’s class “Jewish History” meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. The study materials for the December 8 class, Parashat Vayeishev, can be found at: 

Some excellent on-line Jewish resources are available at: 

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshiva’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here: 

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!): 
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to: 
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to: 
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to: 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Parashat Vayetze
Kislev 12, 5781 / November 27-28, 2020
Torah: Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 - 14:10 (Ashkenazim); Hosea 11:7 – 12:12 (Sephardim)

Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:26 PM PST - Sherman Oaks, CA

This d'var torah is offered in honor of my sister, Lorrie Flom, whose birthday falls on Sunday, November 29. Happy Birthday, Sis! Mazal tov!

This d'var torah is offered in honor of my son, Robert Flom, whose birthday falls on Tuesday, December 1. Happy Birthday, Sonny! Mazal tov!

This d'var torah is offered in memory of Anne Karam, who passed away on Saturday. Anne was the sister of my brother-in-law Jay Goodman. Y'hi zikhronah liv'rakhah – May her memory be a blessing

This d'var torah is offered in memory of Josef Sands, long-time member of Temple B’nai Hayim, who passed away on Sunday. Y'hi zikhrono liv'rakhah – May his memory be a blessing.

This d'var torah is offered in memory of my uncle, Daniel Flom, whose yahrzeit falls on Tuesday, Kislev 14. Y'hi zikhrono liv'rakhah – May his memory be a blessing.

Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at:

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at:

This week's Yahrzeit List can be found at: 

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. All our services and programs are available at:      

With the COVID-19 epidemic, SOVA needs your donations more than ever. Please, bring some non-perishable canned and packaged foods and personal items, (no glass) to the lobby of TBH/CBM. Wear a mask, social distance, and help out those in need.

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.

“And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me, and will guard me on this way that I am going, and will give me food to eat and clothing to wear, and I return in peace to my father’s house, then the Lord shall be my God.’” Genesis 28:20-21.

This is a somewhat troubling vow. Jacob seems to be saying that he will accept God as his God only if God grants his request for food, clothing and safety. One might say that, after all, Jacob is only human, and we humans make this kind of bargain all the time. “If I am cured of this disease, I will start putting on tefillin regularly.” “If I pass this exam, I will go the synagogue every Shabbat.” But it is unseemly in one of the Patriarchs.

Rabbi S. Z. Heller says that what Jacob is really saying is, “then I will be able to serve You properly.” He continues: We don’t say “Adon Olam” (Master of the Universe, the concluding hymn on Shabbat morning) until after we have said “Ma Tovu” (How Goodly Are Your Tents, the prayer said upon entering the synagogue). One’s physical needs must be attended to before one can engage in spiritual practice.

This brings to mind the teaching of Rabbi Israel Salanter, the founder of the Musar (ethics) movement. Rather than concerning oneself with one’s own physical needs and the spiritual lives of others, one should first attend to the physical needs of others and one’s own spiritual life. We can’t save souls unless we first save the bodies.

Perhaps what Rabbi Salanter is really telling us is that in saving the physical lives of others, we save our own souls.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person.
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1

Shabbat Evening Service with Steve Pearlman and Rabbi Flom this Friday evening at 6:30 pm PST.

Shabbat Morning Service with Steve Pearlman and Rabbi Flom this Saturday at 10:00 am PST. Torah reading by Steve Pearlman and Warren Trauman. Haftarah chanted by Warren Trauman.

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, including the weekly Parashah and Haftarah, all available at:
Fill out the form - the download is free.

David Silon’s class “Jewish History” meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST. But not this Sunday, November 29! Class resumes December 6.

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. The study materials for the December 1 class, Parashat Vayishlach, can be found at:

Some excellent on-line Jewish resources are available at:

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshivah’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here:

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!):
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to:
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to:
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to: 

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Parashat Tol’dot
Kislev 5, 5781/ November 20-21, 2020
Torah Reading - Genesis 25:19 - 28:9
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1- 2:7
Candle-lighting for Friday: 4:28 PM PDT - Sherman Oaks, CA  
Our Refuah Shleimah/Prayer for Healing List can be found at: 

If you would like to have a name added or removed from this Prayer for Healing list, please write to me at: 
This week's Yahrzeit List can be found at: 

This d'var torah is offered in memory of Lynn's grandfather, Gabriel Stern, whose yahrzeit falls on Thursday, Kislev 10. Y'hi zikhro barukh. 

This d'var torah is offered in memory of Stuart Barth, whose yahrzeit falls on this Shabbat, Kislev 5. Y'hi zikhro barukh. 

A list of all of our on-line activities can be found below. All our services and programs are available at:    

Some excellent on-line resources are available at: 

With the COVID-19 epidemic, SOVA needs your donations more than ever. Please, bring some non-perishable canned and packaged foods and personal items, (no glass) to the lobby of TBH/CBM. Wear a mask, social distance, and help out those in need. 

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source. 
“And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing that his father had blessed upon (Jacob); and Esau said in his heart, ‘The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.’” Genesis 27:41
Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz (18th century) teaches that when a rabbi tells a butcher that a particular animal was improperly slaughtered and therefore not kosher, the butcher accepts the ruling, even though it costs him money. But when two men bring a monetary dispute before a rabbi, the loser will be angry and argue with the rabbi. R. Eybeschutz says that in the case of the butcher, nobody benefits from the ruling, but in the case of the dispute, the winner is awarded money – he gains a benefit. The loser resents the fact of the winner winning more than he resents his loss.
As between Esau and Jacob, he says that Esau is not angry because he lost the blessing from his father, because Esau didn’t want it. He actually got what he wanted – “by your sword shall you live.” Rather, he hated Jacob because Jacob also received something of value from their father.
This idea that we resent those who benefit more than we resent not benefitting is a difficult one to acknowledge, but it is all around us. We often see it in our political and “civil” discourse, couched in the language of racism or class warfare.
“Do not hate your fellow in your heart.” Leviticus 19:17. Failure to follow that simple rule can create a chasm that can never be bridged. Will we ever learn?
Shabbat Shalom Uv'rakhah! A Shabbat of Peace and Blessings! 
And Happy Thanksgiving! Hodu LaShem Ki Tov! 
Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person.
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1

Shabbat Evening Service with Reb Jason and Rabbi Flom this Friday evening at 6:30 pm PDT.

Shabbat Morning Service with Reb Jason and Rabbi Flom this Saturday at 10:00 am PDT. Haftarah chanted by Rabbi Flom.

Downloadable and printable Siddur for Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat Ma'ariv, Shabbat/Festival Morning, and more, available at: 

You can download both Siddur Sim Shalom and Siddur Lev Shalem, as well as the weekly Parashah and Haftarah at the above link. Fill out the form - the download is free.
David Silon’s class "Jewish DNA? The Science Behind the History, or Vice-Versa" meets every Sunday at 11:00 am PST. 

Join us every Tuesday at 12:30 pm PST for Lunch and Learn, a 60-90 minute study session. We're learning Hasidic teachings on the weekly parashah. 

The study materials for the November 24 class, Midrash on Parashat Vayeitzei, can be found at: 

You can subscribe to the Conservative Yeshivah’s weekly Torah Sparks via email here: 

Cyber Torah list management (no salesman will call!): 
To subscribe to Cyber Torah, and receive Cyber Torah every week in your mailbox, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Subscribe Cyber Torah” to: 
Send requests for dedications of Cyber Torah in honor of a simchah, in memory of a loved one or for a refuah shleimah to: 
To unsubscribe from Cyber Torah, send an e-mail with the subject heading “Unsubscribe Cyber Torah” to: 


Parashat Beshallach (Shabbat Shirah) Shevat 10, 5785 / February 7-8, 2025 Torah: Exodus 13:17 – 17:16 Haftarah: Judges 4:4 – 5:31 (Ashkenazi...