Sunday, December 26, 2021


Parashat Va’era
Torah: Exodus 6:2 – 9:35
Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25 – 29:21
Tevet 28, 5782 / December 31, 2021 - January 1, 2022

This d'var torah is offered in honor of my wonderful life partner Lynn Kronzek on the occasion of our 41st wedding anniversary on December 28. Thank you, my dear, for all you do!

This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Feigel bat Kreina and D'vorah bat Feigel.

Lunch and Learn meets Tuesdays at 12:30 PM on Zoom and Facebook Live. We’re continuing to read and discuss the Midrashic collection Ein Ya’akov. NO Lunch and Learn on December 28. Resume January 4.
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Rabbi Van Leeuwen has a blog which you should read at: 

Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.

"And Moses spoke thus (as God had instructed him) to the Children of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses because of shortness of breath (mikotzer ruach) and hard work." Exodus 6:9

Rashi: Whoever is troubled, his wind and his breathing are short, and he cannot breathe a long breath.

Sforno: Their spirit prevented them from having faith in God, and they did not focus their hearts to understand.

Moses, following God's directions, has told the Israelites that they will be redeemed by God. But they ignore Moses, apparently because they are physically worn out - they are out of breath from being worked so hard by the Egyptians. 

The 16th-century commentator, Sforno, says “no”. (Note: the text says "shortness of breath AND hard work." {Emphasis added}) He understands kotzer ruach to mean a shortness of spirit (ruach can mean breath or spirit). He suggests that they were spiritually weak, unfocused, and consequently, they were punished by not being taken to the Promised Land - only their children, who had not had their spirits broken, would enter the land of Israel.

This seems rather harsh, somewhat like blaming the victim. But it is just the beginning of a pattern. No matter what God promises or does for the Israelites, before and after the exodus from Egypt, they never really believe - they never have faith. Even after all of the miracles, as we shall see in a few weeks, the Israelites create a golden calf to worship.

We often believe we are entitled to be redeemed simply because we have suffered. But we should also know that, just as one cannot recover from alcoholism (an insidious slavery) without working through the necessary steps, and just as one cannot firm up flabby muscles without physical exercise, one cannot be spiritually healed without doing spiritual work. We have to exercise our spiritual muscles the same way we work out at the gym - study Torah, pray, work at finding God, meditate, practice and live Judaism. You can get a spiritual rush - if you get pumped up!

Feel the burn - have a great Shabbat workout!

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
הַלּוֹמֵד מִכָּל אָדָם ?אֵיזֶהוּ חָכָם
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person.
Ben Zoma - Pirkei Avot 4:1
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