Monday, February 20, 2023


Parashat Terumah
Adar 4, 5783 / February 24-25, 2023
Torah Reading: Exodus 25:1 - 27:19 
Haftarah Reading: 1 Kings 5:26 - 6:13
This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Chanah Bella bat Kreina and Devorah bat Feigel.
This d'var torah is offered in memory of my aunt, Mildred Flom, whose yahrzeit falls on Friday, Adar 3. Y'hi zekherah liv'rakhah - May her memory be a blessing.

Lunch and Learn meets Tuesdays at 12:30 PM on Zoom and Facebook Live. We're continuing to read and discuss the Midrashic collection Ein Ya'akov
On February 21, we'll be at BT Shabbat 55a, page 142 of Ein Ya'akov (Glick edition) Volume 1 -  "...רב יהודה הוה יתיב קמיה דשמואל" - "R. Juda was sitting before Samuel...” 
Ein Ya'akov (Glick edition) is available for on-line reading or as a downloadable PDF at: 
A pointed Hebrew text version with different pagination is available at Sefaria:  
Rabbi Van Leeuwen has a blog which you should read at: 
Dr. Steve Pearlman writes up the "Midrashim of the Week", which you should read at: 
Check out our wonderful community, and get lots of info about our various programs and becoming a Member at: 
Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.
"And this is the offering you will take from them: gold and silver and brass."  Exodus 25:3
The Dubner Maggid taught: "God did not ask for these things in the sanctuary because He loves gold, Heaven forbid, but because they are precious to humans.  When a person donates something that he loves to God, it is as if he is giving his love to God....   It would have been proper to command that each person give God his love, but how can one take something spiritual, namely one's love, which is deep in the heart?  Therefore God commanded that He be given something material, and the love is given along with the object."

The Ark of the Covenant (replica in George Washington Masonic National Memorial)
By Ben Schumin - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,

I see in the Maggid's teaching an interesting interpretation of the Sh'ma (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).  There, we are told to love God with all the heart, along with all the soul and all the might.  Some Jewish traditions teach that "heart, soul and might" are metaphors for greed, intellect and possessions. By acquiring property through greed, whether in-born or learned, coming to understand through study what God really wants from us, and then giving away our acquisitions to that higher purpose, we do indeed give all our love to God.
Feel the love - and then spread it around!
Mishenichnas Adar, marbin b’simchah! – With the beginning of Adar, joy is increased! (BT Ta'anit 29a)
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Richard Flom, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple B'nai Hayim/Congregation Beth Meier
"שתיקה כהודאה דמיא"
"Silence in the face of wrongdoing is consent."
BT Yevamot 87b
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