Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Pesach 5780 – Part 2

Seventh Day of Pesach
Nisan 21, 5780 / April 14-15, 2020
Torah: Exodus 13:17 - 15:26 Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25
Eighth Day of Pesach
Torah: Deuteronomy 14:22 - 16:17
Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25
Haftarah: Isaiah 10:32 - 12:6
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:1-51
Additional reading: Shir Hashirim - The Song of Songs (some congregations read this on Pesach Day 8)

Nisan 22, 5780 / April 15-16, 2020

Nisan 24, 5780 / April 17-18, 2020
Parashat Sh’mini
Torah: Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 6:1 – 7:17 (Ashkenazim); 2 Samuel 6:1-19 (Sephardim)

Candle lighting times:
Tuesday – 7:06 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 pm
Pesach ends Thursday at 8:01 pm PDT – Sherman Oaks, CA
Friday – 7:08 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat Service this Friday evening at 6:30 pm PDT on Zoom (Meeting Number 418 318 664) or at https://www.facebook.com/BnaiHayim/ 

We are pleased to provide for you Torah readings chanted with commentary, chanted haftarot, and the Yizkor service - available at:

Pesach Day 7 Torah: https://zoom.us/rec/play/6Zwtdb2r-jk3HdLAsgSDAvV4W9TpJq2s0iJMq_Zby0i2ByIDZwb0N7obMOYVBwGjPFePzKlZ47cLnHvP?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=jGh_n_53T-CaCc82_9PnQw.1586913574320.570e56416bbd50168cabedde3658b386&_x_zm_rhtaid=754

Pesach Day 7 Haftarah:


Pesach Day 8 Torah: https://zoom.us/rec/play/upV-JbuuqW03GYaWswSDC_JxW43rKfmshigf-aYOyRy9W3NQOlSjM-REY-SdRJuj875IkwEVLTbqsD-t?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=jGh_n_53T-CaCc82_9PnQw.1586913574320.570e56416bbd50168cabedde3658b386&_x_zm_rhtaid=754

Pesach Day 8 Haftarah is unavailable - sorry.

Yizkor Service: https://zoom.us/rec/play/usd7cr38rDg3HNWUswSDAvd7W420fKOs0CgX-KFcnUqzBndQY1GvNLUSZeZgBI4UzYvwPxgIncTBWJ0K?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=jGh_n_53T-CaCc82_9PnQw.1586913574320.570e56416bbd50168cabedde3658b386&_x_zm_rhtaid=754

Downloadable text of Yizkor service:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_4sHBt0Y8YE2I856K1iCVVzEkBl6hRN1/view

Downloadable Memorial Prayer in the Absence of a Minyan:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/11px697ZZZKnEPvrUJ1HM66QGjCd1xXHs/view

Parashat Shemini Torah:   https://zoom.us/rec/play/65R4f7z8qzo3HdyWsgSDV_5_W46_K6OshyZPqKBbz0-8UHlSNwHwZucaY7GDvie527XzH8GdBMaGwOF5?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=jGh_n_53T-CaCc82_9PnQw.1586913574320.570e56416bbd50168cabedde3658b386&_x_zm_rhtaid=754

Parashat Shemini Haftarah: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rvegPRtmhxGkkX7l-8_I7oTg0fm1eyD8/view



On the seventh day of Pesach, the Torah portion includes the beautiful Shirat Hayam - The Song of the Sea - the Israelites' paean of thanksgiving to God for the destruction of the pursuing Egyptian army. When this section is read during the year (Parashat Beshallach), the haftarah is Judges 4:4 - 5:31. It comprises Deborah and Barak's song, celebrating their military victory over the forces of the Canaanite general Sisera. In a similar vein, the haftarah for the seventh day of Pesach is a song of thanksgiving (a variant is found at Psalms 18), chanted by David.

There is a lesson in these choices of public readings. In Shirat Hayam, the people as a whole thank God for the miracle of the sea. Just when they feared they were doomed, they were instead saved. In Shirat Devorah, which in many ways resembles Shirat Hayam, Deborah and Barak thank God for both the collective victory of the people and their own personal salvation. Shirat David is strictly personal, completely in the first person singular, reviewing a lifetime of blessings. In each case, pleas for deliverance were answered. This is all in addition to reading Shir Hashirim - Song of Songs sometime during Pesach and the singing of Hallel (Psalms of Praise) every day of Pesach, including at the Seder.

What we learn is that we can and should thank God, individually and collectively, for all the miracles and blessings in our lives, great and small, personal and national. Only then can we truly appreciate the wonders of our lives. Perhaps this Pesach more than ever.

Moadim L'simchah! Chagim Uz’manim L’sason! Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Richard A. Flom
Temple B'nai Hayim/Congregation Beth Meier
"שתיקה כהודאה דמיא"
"Silence in the face of wrongdoing is consent.”
BT Yevamot 88a
Our synagogue community, Temple B’nai Hayim in Association with Congregation Beth Meier, has set up a GoFundMe page to help support some of our employees and members who are particularly vulnerable due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please help us help them with your donation.

This d’var torah is offered in honor of Rabbi (Reb) Jason Van Leeuwen, Elaine Kleiger, Elise Schipper, and Lily Garcia for all their hard work in keeping our synagogue and pre-school functioning despite the pandemic. Kol hakavod!

This d’var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Avram Yisrael ben Channah, Elisheva bat Malkah, Chanah bat Minnie Leah, Leah bat Sarah Imanu, Sheyna D’verah bat Hodel, Sarah bat Devorah, Susan Arbetman, Ken Bitticks, Elsbet Brosky, Stana Cooper, Jerry Daniels, Maya Fersht (Maya bat Esther), Dr. Samuel Fersht (Shmuel Natan ben Gittel), Bernard Garvin, Leah Granat, Brandon Joseph, Gabor Klein, Philip Kronzek, Tonya Kronzek (Zlata Malkah bat Sarah Imanu), Barbara Levy, Gail Neiman, Sandra Raab, Josef Sands, Shirley Sands, Gina Seeman, Debra Schugar Strauss (Devorah bat Chaya Feiga), Helen Schugar (Chaya Feiga bat Kreina), and William Sragow.

Please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to this list or if there is anyone who may be removed from this list.


Parashat Beshallach (Shabbat Shirah) Shevat 10, 5785 / February 7-8, 2025 Torah: Exodus 13:17 – 17:16 Haftarah: Judges 4:4 – 5:31 (Ashkenazi...