Thursday, August 14, 2014


20 Av 5774 / 15-16 August 2014
Parashat Ekev
Torah: Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25
Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14 - 51:3 (Second Haftarah of Consolation)
For full Calendar of Events and lots of information about our community, check out our web site at:
Please feel free to pass this on to a friend, and please cite the source.
"And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you? Only that you should fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 10:12
"For if you surely observe all this commandment that I command you, to do it; to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to cling to Him." Deuteronomy 11:22
We humans are so full of ourselves, we think we have the power of God; we want to be like God. But a simple "act of God", such as a bolt of lightning, can shut down human power, literally, for millions of people.
Sifre Deuteronomy teaches: "To walk in all His ways." These are the ways of the Holy One, Blessed is He - "compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in kindness and truth, preserving kindness for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and granting pardon." (Quoting Exodus 34:6) Just as The One Who is in Every Place is compassionate and gracious, so must you be compassionate and gracious....
Compassionate, gracious, patient, kind, truthful, forgiving - these are more than just words. These are the ways we are supposed to walk through life - this is the path God wants us to follow. This is the way we can be like God. Just as God has Thirteen Attributes, so must we, created in God's image for the purpose of maintaining God's world, strive to develop in ourselves as many of these attributes as is humanly possible. Lace up those boots and start walking!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Richard A. Flom - ZSRS '00
Congregation Beth Meier
Studio City, CA
Visit me on Facebook
Program Notes:
1. Beth Meier RELIGIOUS SCHOOL will commence Sunday, September 7, at 9:30 am. There has been NO increase in fees for this year. Please contact the Beth Meier office at (818) 769-0515 or for information and registration.
2. Beth Meier is sponsoring “Team Selma” in the race to defeat ovarian cancer on Sunday, September 14. We hope as many members, including our Religious School students and their families, will join in. Info at: and registration at:
3. Please get your membership and High Holy Day ticket forms and fees in to Beth Meier at your earliest convenience. Yontiff waits for no one!
Candle lighting: 7:22 pm
Friday: Shabbat Evening Service – 8:00 pm. Join us for a joyful service, followed by Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday: Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 am. Aufruf of Daniel Lee and Tali Ezon – Mazal Tov! Light Kiddush lunch follows.
Tuesday: Lunch and Learn – 12:00 noon.
This d'var torah is offered in honor of Tali Ezon and Daniel Lee, who will be kallah and chatan, bride and groom, on Sunday. Mazal Tov!
This d'var torah is offered in honor of Susan Arbetman, Rabbi Gary Charlestein, Elaine Kleiger, and Dr. Martin and Marilyn Lee for their Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush donations.
This d'var torah is offered for a refuah shleimah for Miriam Minya bat Alisa Batya, Sarah Mindel bat Toby, Elsbet Brosky, Howard Ehrlich, Dr. Samuel Fersht, Jerry Forman, Pamela Huddleston, Rose Jordan, Gail Neiman, Annie Rivera, Helen Schugar, and Neil Turbov.
Please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to the refuah shleimah list or if there is anyone who may be removed from the list.
My weekly divrei torah are also available via the Cyber Torah e-mail list.
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