Monday, August 29, 2022

Cheshbon Hanefesh Worksheet - 5783

 Cheshbon Hanefesh Worksheet

A Personal Inventory for the High Holy Days – 5783 edition

Traditionally, cheshbon hanefesh, self-evaluation, literally an accounting of the soul, is undertaken during the Aseret Yamei Teshuvah – the Ten Days of Repentance from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. The entire month of Elul is even better, but in truth, any time is a good time.
With openness and honesty, giving the benefit of the doubt to yourself without being extravagant, being self-critical without beating yourself up, evaluate the following on an appropriate scale of your choosing. There is no yardstick. Every person is a work in progress – no exceptions!
Keep notes in a diary and add to them all year. These questions/reflections require much more than a mere score. Please feel free to add any topics you wish to evaluate. Consider both quality and quantity.  Don’t forget to answer the most important questions of all: How have I improved since last year? In what areas do I need to improve? What are my goals in those areas? What will I do to reach them? Of course, there is no right answer to any of this ….. is there?

The People in My Life
How are my relationships with parents, children, spouses/life partners, other family, friends, neighbors, strangers, employers, employees, customers, teachers, et al.?
Who did I injure? Who injured me? How? Why? Does blame matter?
What did I do to make amends? Was it enough?
What did/can/will I do to assure it doesn’t happen again?
Did I apologize?
Did I ask for forgiveness? Was I forgiven? How do I feel about that? Was I not forgiven? How do I feel about that?
Did I forgive those who asked for forgiveness? How do I feel about them?
Is our relationship the same – better – worse? Reconciliation?
What did I do to heal the people in my life?
Did I help others reconcile with each other? Am I a rodef shalom?
Are there patterns, habits, addictions in my life I need to change? Are there good patterns and habits in my life that I should utilize even more?
Do I really hear and understand other people – their needs, hopes and dreams? How can/do I encourage them? Do I encourage them?
Do I accept others for who they are, even if they aren’t what I want them to be? Do I have the right to want them to be other than who they are?
Lashon Hara/Rechilut – Slander, gossip, offensive speech
            Did I speak/write it?
            Did I read/listen to it?
            Did I prevent others from spreading it?

God in My Life
Is God in my life?
Do I ever contemplate the Divine?
Do I ever contemplate holiness? Can I be holy? Do I see the holiness in other people?
Do I engage in regular prayer and/or meditation?
            Daily prayer service/private worship
            Bedtime Sh’ma (teach your children well)
            Blessings for Mitzvot
            Blessings for food/drink
Can I really imitate God?
Did I do teshuvah?
Did I forgive God for what happened to me? Can God cause anything to happen to me?
Do I have a personal theology?

Jewish Ritual/Jewish Observance
            Halakhic - whose halakhah?

How are my Shabbat and Holy Days (general)?
            Know the stories/reasons
            Family Blessings
            Zemirot – table songs
            Refraining from Work
            Attending Services
            Torah Study
How are my holy days? Do I observe them in some fashion? Do I know what the tradition says? How do I find meaning? Can I/May I/Should I create new traditions?
Specific holy days
            Rosh Hashanah
            Yom Kippur
                        Built/ate/studied/slept in a Sukkah
                        Ushpizin – honored visitors
               Lulav and Etrog
            Shemini Atzeret
            Simchat Torah
            Tu BiShevat
                        Megillah Reading
                        Shlach Manot
                        Bedikat Chametz
                        No chametz during holiday
            Yom Hashoah
            Yom Ha’atzma’ut
            Tisha B’Av
            Yizkor – Do I remember those who have gone before me?

Mitzvot – Mitzvah means commandment – or is it a good deed?
            Have I taken on more mitzvot?
            Have I improved my observance of mitzvot I was already doing?
            Have I ceased mitzvot I was already doing?
            Do I find fulfillment in their observance? Am I supposed to?
Judaism - Do I preach it, teach it, live it?

Do I engage in regular Torah study?
Do I read Jewish books and/or periodicals?
What do I know about Judaism generally?
            Holy Days
            Texts – Tanakh, Talmud, Midrash, etc.
            Zionism - what is it? Are there "Zionisms"?
            Hebrew language
The State of Israel
The government of the State of Israel
The people of the State of Israel
The People Israel (am yisrael)
The Land of Israel - these five are all called "Israel" in different contexts - do we understand the differences?

Travel – ever; recently; soon
Support (whatever that means, in whichever way one sees fit)
            How? When? Where? Should these matter?
            Israel Bonds
            Israeli products
            Letter writing
            J Street
            Peace Now
            New Israel Fund
            Other groups
            What do I think about the settlements?
            What do I think about the Occupation?
            What do I think about peace with the Palestinians?
            What do I think about the rabbanut?
            What do I think about non-Jewish Israelis?
            How do I feel about BDS?
Criticize (whatever that means, in whichever way one sees fit)
             How? When? Where? Should these matter?
Zionism - political - types
Zionism - religious - types

Tzedakah/Gemilut Chasadim/Volunteerism
Do I view others as B'tzelem Elohim - in the image of God?
"Tzedek, tzedek tirdof" - Justice, justice you shall pursue
Feed the hungry
Clothe the naked
Defend/care for the stranger in our midst
Hear the cries of others
Charitable donations
            How much tzedakah? (according to Torah and halakhah, tithing [10%] expected)
Donations of Time/Volunteer work
            Other organizations
Donations of Self/gemilut chasadim - acts of lovingkindness
            Bikur cholim - visiting/care for the sick
            Comforting mourners
            Comforting the afflicted

Jewish Community
Do I belong to a Jewish community?
How do I belong?
Supporting without belonging?
Belonging without adequately supporting?
How active in congregation?
            Religious school/teaching
How active in other Jewish groups?
Reaching out to other Jews
Captive Jews
What about everybody else?

My Body, My Self
Self-abuse (drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
Care of the body
Care of the soul
Care of the mind
What did I do to heal myself?
Take reasonable advantage of the pleasing things in this world – art, music, good food and drink, travel, etc.

The Physical World Around Me
The environment – b’al tashchit – do not destroy; cleanup; conservation; climate change
Kindness to animals
Stop and smell the roses/meditate on the wonder of Creation?
Tikkun olam?

A Few Final Thoughts for Your Consideration
Do I deserve another year because I have been good?
Do I deserve another year because I will be better? I promise!
Am I prepared to do teshuvahtefillah and tzedakah?

© Rabbi Richard Flom - 2022


Tevet 4, 5785/January 3-4, 2025 Parashat Vayiggash Torah: Genesis 44:18 - 47:27 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28 ---------------------------------...